Before we even officially knew about the Final Fantasy VII Remake, an announcement that came during the PlayStation press conference at E3 2015, there was the inaugural PlayStation Experience. It is here were series executive producer Shinji Hashimoto made the infamous troll announcement of Final Fantasy VII getting the PC version ported to the PS4 and iOS. They were even expected to get system-specific bonus features, and today Touch Arcade reveals that they include making the game laughably easy.
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Currently available right now in New Zealand (set to go live at 11 PM ET in North America), Final Fantasy VII on iOS has several changes that are essential for an iOS port. Included is a translucent controller system on the screen that lets you control the action like a console game. However, more egregious is the fact that the iOS version of Final Fantasy VII has the option to turn off random encounters both in the overworld and area maps, as well as a Max Stats command that turn you into a super soldier in the blink of an eye.
If you’re dropping $16 to play an iOS version of a game that costs $11.99 on Steam and runs on computers as old as time, why would you ever want to cheat your way through the game? Final Fantasy VII is not that difficult by any means, but by skipping area and overworld battles and are forced to partake in boss/event battles, you will likely be too weak to defeat them, almost forcing your hand to go for Max Stats. It’s a built-in system that encourages cheating in one of the greatest games of all time (certainly Top 3 of all Final Fantasy games), while doing a major disservice to the gameplay experience. For shame, Square Enix!
Final Fantasy VII on iOS supports version 8.0 or later, has a 1.5 GB file size and supports iPad 2, iPhone 5, iPad Mini and iPod Touch 5th gen and newer devices.
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