Dragon Quest X & XI Might Be Coming To Nintendo NX UPDATED


While we really don’t know anything about Nintendo’s mysterious new NX console, we know a couple of games coming out for it, as both Dragon Quest X & XI have officially been announced as coming to the console.

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Dragon Quest XI is also coming to the PS4 & 3DS, which I believe makes it the first time in awhile that a Dragon Quest game is not at least a Nintendo console exclusive. Does this give us any insight as to what the Nintendo NX will be capable of? Nintendo consoles tend to not focus on being graphically superior to the competition, but it could indicate that the NX will actually be on par with the PS4 & Xbox One. Dragon Quest XI does run on the Unreal 4 engine so the NX is at least capable of handling that for sure.

This was all announced during a Japanese Square Enix stream, with no release dates indicated for either game and no mention of a western release. While the Dragon Quest series enjoys massive popularity in Japan, it has struggled to find similar success here.

h/t IGN


According to Gamespot, Square Enix has clarified that a NX release for Dragon Quest X & XI is “under consideration” but is not official as of yet.

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