Just days after CD Projekt RED laid out their long-term plans ..."/> Just days after CD Projekt RED laid out their long-term plans ..."/>

The Witcher 3 Gameplay Lets You Play Peacekeeper Or Rebel


Just days after CD Projekt RED laid out their long-term plans for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt expansion content comes an extensive look of general gameplay. Released as a trailer, newcomers to the series finally get a longer look at the important tenets of this open-world RPG, and how your role as a Witcher character comes into play.

The fantastical and the standard are intertwined in The Witcher 3, as promises of enormous beasts and prophetic happenings are woven among the cruelty of religious fanatacism, racism and brutal war crimes. Evil does not have a specific face, as aggressors come in any shape or size. Based off of dialog choices, it’s up to the player to see how things play out. Being friendly might earn you some respect, while certain circumstances may require a bit more brawn.

Variety is the spice of life, and this trailer for The Witcher 3 showcases plenty of different locales. You can explore the heights of mountaintops, the depths of hidden tombs or as far as the winds on the ocean will carry a boating vessel. It’s not all smooth sailing, however, as you will need to engage against foes eventually. Depending on how you train you Witcher, a plethora of combat options open up, including alchemy-infused trickery, sword skills like arrow deflection or arcane spells.

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There’s a lot of optional events, side quests and extracurricular activities in store for Witcher 3 players, including the noble traditions of fisticuffs, horse racing or blood rituals. They all divert time, however, for your Witcher’s biggest quest ever: to track down the “Child of Prophecy,” who carries powerful, weaponizable magic. As this is the end of the storyline of protagonist Geralt, the stakes couldn’t be higher. Just how you decide to go about retrieving this important entity is just part of the hundreds-of-hours-long journey into this mythical world.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt will be released on the PC, PS4 and Xbox One on May 19th.

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