Scarecrow Plans To Kill Batman With Legion Of Villains


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It seems Batman will be facing all challengers in the upcoming Batman: Arkham Knight. Pacing out a bit more of Scarecrow’s plot in the game, the trailer above shows the plan is not to take down just Gotham. In bringing all of Batman’s most influential foes, plus the new Arkham Knight, Scarecrow is looking to take down Batman and Gotham before attempting the same with the rest of the world.

Knowing some of the Batman mythos, there will likely be plenty of fear gas involved, and the Riddler will surely have plenty of puzzles. What do you think could be part of Scarecrow’s overall plan to finally take down Batman?

Batman: Arkham Knight is rated M and is set to release digitally and in stores June 2, 2015 for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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