After more than a dozen offshoot titles released using the official name, Angry Birds is finally getting an official sequel. Angry Birds 2 has been announced by the developers at Rovio Games, and will be released on app stores internationally on July 30th. Coming to both iOS and Android, Rovio will look to build upon the 3 billion+ downloads the Angry Birds series has accumulated over the lifetime of the intellectual property.
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There are not many details surrounding Angry Birds 2, but one has to wonder if slapping a “2” at the end of the title does justice to the scope of Angry Birds games that have been released since the first title. Angry Birds Seasons, Angry Birds Rio, Angry Birds Friends, Angry Birds Space, Bad Piggies, Angry Birds Star Wars, Angry Birds Star Wars 2, Angry Birds Transformers, Angry Birds Go!, Angry Birds Epic, Angry Birds Fight!, Angry Birds Stella, Angry Birds Stella Pop!, and Angry Birds Under Pigstruction will all be released by the time Angry Birds 2 comes out at the end of the month, rendering the “2” pointless.
Regardless on your thoughts of the series (or its downright awful attempts to sell mobile-quality gaming for $50 at the launch of the console), it’s quite a testament to see just how much content a company produce using just one IP over the span of a couple of years. Even if it’s done in an attempt to saturate a market full of clones with official content to avoid having the userbase shift to something else, the fact that it has stayed relevant to mobile gaming is quite the accomplishment.
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