Surgeon Simulator Sells More Than 2 Million Copies

Benefiting mostly from repeated sales on Steam, as well as mass promotion from the Let’s Play community (start taking notes, Nintendo), Bossa Studios has taken to Youtube to discuss their successes throughout the past year. The chief accomplishment of the year; Surgeon Simulator has sold more than 2 million copies.

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While the video attests that 2 million is the number of surgeons they’ve trained (not real ones, anyway), a press release backs up the Surgeon Simulator units sold total. In addition to bringing Thomas Was Alone to iOS and Android, releasing bread simulator I Am Bread and propping up their future release of Worlds Adrift, the release also notes that Bossa Studios will be celebrating the past year with a Steam sale. Surgeon Simulator is on sale for 75% off until February 4th at Noon CST, where it will be reduced to 50% off for the rest of the week.

As much as I am not on board with the sub-genre of games that spawned from Surgeon Simulator that are silly for the purpose of being silly without satire (pre-MMO Goat Simulator, I Am Bread, Bear Simulator, etc.), you have to give Bossa Studios props. Selling millions of units as an independent games company is really difficult work, and success of this nature should be both admired and championed.

The idea that Indie games “aren’t really games” is such an elitist attitude from close-minded individuals who aren’t willing to branch out from their favorite annualized franchises. Surgeon Simulator selling as many units as it did is a testament to the idea that great games may not cost $60-70 or require unnecessary pre-order bonus from a brick and mortar retailer to enjoy.

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