New Uncharted 4 Trailer Steals Assassin’s Creed Artwork, Naughty Dog Responds

Uncharted 4 is thief-like in more ways than one

Update: Naughty Dog fixes the issue, replaces the old trailer, and apologizes on its website.

Original story: Today, the good people at Naughty Dog released a new trailer for Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End. In the midst of beautiful visuals, life-like cut scenes, and over-the-top action sequences a hot topic of controversy arose.

Exhibit one: the tweet from Ubisoft’s head of Assassin’s Creed content, Aymar Azaizia :

Now the details: at the 1:36 mark of the trailer, a piece of gold framed artwork, displayed for a second and then cut to a different tropical island location. In that one second many viewers, including Mr. Azaizia, called out Naughty Dog for using a piece of concept art that is spot-on like the one used in Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag.

Take a look, pretty similar, huh?


The only difference between the two is the assassin-like figure in the bottom right.

Is this ground-breaking fisticuffs, crazy, petition-type of video game news? No, not really. But, it is a strange development, and I’m sure Ubisoft is on the phone right now in hope of figuring out some kind of compensation headed its way, soon.

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Maybe, Naughty Dog was paying homage to what seems to be pretty cool artwork or maybe it was a copy and paste mistake.

Let the speculating begin: is there a future Nathan Drake, Assassin’s Creed cross-over in the works? Probably not — although it would be pretty epic. Maybe Drake is a pirate? What do you think? (Per update, no pirate Drake is in the works, sadly).