Darkest Dungeon Coming To PS4, PS Vita Early Next Year

One of the few titles that could convince me that Steam’s Early Access program isn’t a system used to syphon money out of fans to fuel an unknown development cycle that necessitates its own cash flow is Darkest Dungeon. Going into Early Access in early 2015, the game has undergone a drastic number of changes, some for better and some for worse. It was known that the game was coming to PS4 and PS Vita, but on the PlayStation Blog we learned that Darkest Dungeon will also be coming to PlayStation Experience next month.

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It will be the first time that the dungeon crawler will be running on a PS4, in addition to being playable for the platform by a paying audience. If you’re one of the billions of people like me who don’t live in California or won’t be able to make it down, Darkest Dungeon itself will be available on PS4 and PS Vita in Spring 2016. This will come at least a few months after the full release on PC, which has already been confirmed for release on January 19th, 2016.

Despite all of the fated sequels planned for next year, it is this independently-developed title that brings a classic RPG fan like me back into the fold. The decidedly gothic aesthetic, Lovecraftian enemy design and complex, but not convoluted systems like Stress and Light (darker playthroughs yield more rewards, but tougher on characters’ sanity levels) make Darkest Dungeon a title worthy of its Early Access acclaim. It’s been a while since I’ve looked at any form of gameplay, but with a January release against little competition from AAA developers, a strong start on PC leading into a Spring 2016 PC release might do wonders for its success.