Life Is Strange Limited Edition Coming In January

The emotional rollercoaster of a journey that is Life Is Strange wrapped up last month, finally bringing an answer to many (but not all) of the remaining questions about life in Arcadia Bay. All versions of the game were launched only as a digital download, an odd decision for Square Enix despite the initial success of the series in its early goings. Thankfully, Dontnod will get the chance at a limited physical edition of Life Is Strange in 2016, as announced on their blog, hosted on the Square Enix website.

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On January 19th, 2016, North American players will be able to purchase the Limited Edition of Life Is Strange on either PS4 or Xbox One. It comes with some alluring extra features, including a 32-page artbook that contains unreleased concept art, the full Life Is Strange soundtrack (both licensed and original tracks) plus the Director’s Commentary for episodes of the game.

As of press time, the only place to pre-order a physical copy of Life Is Strange is on the Square Enix website. The Limited Edition version of Life Is Strange on PS4 and Xbox One will retail at $39.99. Standard Edition copies of Life Is Strange for the PS4 and Xbox One will cost $10 less, at $29.99. For a full soundtrack, artbook and a Director’s Commentary (seriously, how many games offer that?), it seems like that extra $10 will be worth the investment.

Update: Amazon just updated for their PS4 and Xbox One listings of Life Is Strange Limited Edition, as well as the PS4 and Xbox One standard versions.

Recently, Dontnod co-founder Alain Damasio commented on the possibility of Life Is Strange 2, seemingly confirming it before walking back his statement from an interview. With the late physical release of an episodic game that brought real success to Dontnod for the first time, it’s possible that the studio goes back to the property sometime in the future. However, with development of an RPG currently slated for 2017, who knows if Dontnod will expand their studios to work on two projects or just stick with what they’ve got right now.