New Phantom Pain Footage Shows Multiple Ways To Play

For English-speaking viewers of all things E3 2015, we have already seen an extensive look at new Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain gameplay footage, messing around on a side mission before taking on one of the mainline adventures. Today, Konami released their own gameplay video from E3 2015, narrated in Japanese by the prolific Japanese VA for Snake, Akio Ōtsuka. It takes on the same main mission as shown before, but offers a multitude of fun and interesting ways of completing the objective.

This new footage of Phantom Pain gameplay starts off with the first scenario look, with Snake bringing in a Jeep and buddy Quiet for help. This approach offers to knock people out with tranquilizers in order to Fulton them back to Mother Base, including the main target. We get to see Quiet act as both reconnaissance and as a backup sniper, allowing Snake to infiltrate a compound and try to sneak out undetected. Unfortunately, plans don’t always go off with a hitch, as a firefight exfiltration gives Snake a small window to escape via helicopter.

The second Phantom Pain gameplay scenario sees Snake suit up in what appears to be a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle-like shell of an armor get up, going in guns a blazin’ with a helicopter’s mini gun. Not only did we get to see the Fox Engine’s destructibility physics in action in a larger scale, but also how support weapons like flare markets for helicopter support and smoke grenades can work in conjunction with equipment like night goggles. Snake opts to just knock out the target and bring him on the helicopter himself in his wild escape.

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In the third Phantom Pain scenario, Snake opts to go in with desert camo and ride in on his trusty steed. Instead of using a buddy to take out foes as they pop up, Snake instead does slow reconnaissance of all enemies at the compound, finding out each’s individual stat lines. Then, after long minutes of slow, calculated scouting with the use of a sniper rifle scope, Snake lines up his shot, holds his breath, and…launches his god damn Blast Arm from 100 meters out for an honest-to-god rocket punch of his target, exploding in his face! He then exfiltrates on horse without detection.

The final scenario takes place before even entering the mission area, as Snake uses his trusty box to draw out troops on a Jeep in the middle of a road heading to the compound. Sliding down a hill in the box, then popping out, Snake sneakily places a C4 bomb on one of the troops. Later, as he enters the base and is standing right next to the target, Snake pushes the button and takes out the main soldiers (including the target) from long range, takes out a soldier on scouting duty and exfiltrates without detection on horse once again.

What I liked most about this new Phantom Pain footage is that it managed to make playing the same mission over and over again fresh in each instance. We didn’t get to see how each scenario plays out when it comes to rewards and scoring, however it shows just how much agency the player gets to explore each task brought forth ahead of them. Each situation is presented in a way best to demo the game for prospective buyers, though, so we’ll just have to see the variety of options for the player when Metal Gear Solid: The Phantom Pain comes out on PS4, Xbox One, PS3 and Xbox 360 on September 1st. The PC version comes out two weeks later, on September 15.

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