E3 2015: Star Fox Zero Has No Online Multiplayer


Continuing a tradition of letting the ball drop this E3, Nintendo revealed during an interview with IGN before their digital event today that there will be no online multiplayer in their upcoming title, Star Fox Zero, for Wii U.

On the bright side, Platinum Games will be helping develop it. They were the developers behind the wildly successful Bayonetta 2, and the director of Bayonetta 2 is working on Star Fox Zero, so the gameplay should be a lot of fun. Too bad we won’t be able to share it with our pals online. No word yet on whether local multiplayer is a thing, but it sounds like they’ll be pouring all their resources into the single player campaign:

"So, we’re really prioritising getting this new game playing at 60 frames-per-second. In previous Star Fox games we had focused a lot on dogfighting, but here we’re really focused more the single-player experience.Of course, as we continue on and once people get a feeling for the game… as the process continues if we find that we do think it’d be really good we’ll definitely consider it, but right now we’re not.”"

Yikes. After all the discussion about Nintendo’s online play with games such as Splatoon and Smash, this seems like a pretty big step backward. Hopefully the single player is enough to carry Star Fox Zero.

Make sure to keep it here with us at GameSided all week, as we will keep you up to date on all the announcements, reveals, gameplay, trailers & more for E3 2015!

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