E3 2015: Nintendo Predictions, Rumors, And Expectations

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E3 2015 is almost upon us! This week, GameSided staffers will be discussing what we should see, think we’ll see or hope to see out of the eight (!) separate press conferences scheduled to go live starting early next week. Our up-to-date preview schedule: 

My turn at last! Nintendo is notorious for its inscrutability at big events like E3. While there are plenty of previously-revealed games we’re sure to see more of, it’s a bit harder to pin down what sorts of surprises they might have in store…which is all the better because then they’re, you know, surprises. Remember Splatoon last year? Exactly zero people saw that one coming.

There are a few things we will definitely NOT see. Nintendo’s already announced that they won’t be talking about their next-gen console, the NX, at E3, nor will they be discussing mobile gaming. For them, it’s all about upcoming console and handheld games. They’ve also announced that we won’t see the new Legend of Zelda game at E3 this year…sorry, we’ll have to wait til 2016.

Still, with a bit of educated guesswork and a close eye to Nintendo’s recent trends, there’s some pretty safe predictions that can be made. Nintendo has a host of games already announced for 2015 that are looking for release dates, and they’ve hinted pretty strongly toward other information that seems fitting for E3. So! These are my E3 2015 Nintendo predictions:

Things I’m sure we’ll see at the Nintendo briefing

  • Hyrule Warriors 3DS Official Announcement

Yesterday, footage was leaked of a Hyrule Warriors game for the Nintendo 3DS, with new characters Tetra and King from Wind Waker. It’s compatible with the Wii U version of the game, and is capable of sending the two new characters over to Hyrule Warriors Wii U. There are also some interesting rumors floating around that a female version of Link may be present in this rendition of Hyrule Warriors.

It’s unclear if this is the same Wii U game, just on the 3DS, or if it’s something completely different. We do know that it was meant to be released at E3, so it’s certain that we’ll see it around and gain more information then.

  • Release Dates: Xenoblade Chronicles X, Star Fox Wii U, Mario Maker, Yoshi’s Wooly World

Gauging by Nintendo’s usual time allotment for release dates, we’re due for specific dates on three titles: Xenoblade Chronicles X’s localization, Star Fox Wii U, and Mario Maker. All three games are scheduled for release before the end of the year, with Mario Maker a sure deal in September and the other two likely to be holiday games. We’re also due for a North American release date on Yoshi’s Wooly World, which (oddly) releases in Australia and Europe two weeks after E3, and Japan in July.

Mario Maker will likely be taking a good chunk of Nintendo’s E3 time and will probably be featured at some point in the Treehouse, as mentioned during an interview with Pierre-Paul Trepanier, GM of Nintendo Canada. I’m looking forward to seeing more detailed footage of all three, especially since the last peek at Xenoblade Chronicles X we received here in the west was still largely in Japanese.

  • Footage: Fire Emblem IF, Bravely Second, Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem

Three more titles that have been confirmed by Nintendo are likely to get some attention at E3, anywhere from more footage to possible release windows. All three titles are due in North America sometime in 2016, and are solid entries in major Japanese franchises that have made it big in the west. We’ll probably also see some Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games, and Sonic Boom…but let’s not talk about that.

  • amiibos. Lots of them.

There’s no way we’re getting out of E3 without something amiibo-related. I’m predicting another wave of amiibos announced (including Lucas and Mewtwo and whatever Smash character they hopefully announce in the Direct on Sunday), plus something interesting to go with whatever new titles they announce. Perhaps a special Fox or Shulk amiibo to go with Star Fox or Xenoblade? Or something entirely new?

Hopefully, they’ll also announce re-releases on already-existing amiibo we haven’t seen as much of, such as Villager. Come to think of it, Villager would be awfully useful if they announce what I think they’re going to…

Next: What Nintendo is likely to show at E3