New Mirror’s Edge, Need For Speed Obtain Release Windows

EA announced their quarterly and annual financial results today, listing varying sorts of interesting (digital sales outperformed physical retail) and irrelevant details (how many Madden Ultimate Team minutes were played) surrounding their company and its properties. Furthermore, as EA enters the Fiscal 2016 year, they have laid out their release windows for currently announced games. While we were always expecting FIFA 16, NHL 16, Madden 16, NBA Live 16 and Star Wars: Battlefront release windows, we finally got confirmation about when the new Mirror’s Edge and Need For Speed titles should be coming out.

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First off, the new New For Speed (subtitle TBA) is scheduled for a release between October 1st and December 31st of this year. The new Mirror’s Edge, however, will be released in Early 2016, sometime after January 1st, 2016 and before March 31st, 2016. Seeing as it doesn’t have a “TBA” subtitle like Need For Speed and Plants vs. Zombies does (the latter, of which, will additionally come out in Early 2016), perhaps we will see a reboot of the Mirror’s Edge franchise, rather than a “Mirror’s Edge 2.” The jury’s still out on that.

Either way, it looks like Mirror’s Edge is actually on track for a release in the coming year. While it’s still possible that it could be delayed, at the very least the expectation is there to see the game in action at E3 2015 this June, along with the other announced titles EA has in store for viewers. Fans have been waiting for a sequel for 6 and a half years now; one more year and a near guarantee is better than nothing!

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