Update: Greninja, Jigglypuff And Ness Amiibos Will Be Store-Exclusive

Update: GameSpot just reported that the Greninja amiibo is a Toys R Us exclusive.

Original post:

As if we needed more reasons to fret over the amiibo supply, it looks like two of the new amiibos announced last night to be compatible with Super Smash Bros for Wii U and 3DS will be store-exclusives. The Jigglypuff amiibo will be exclusive to Target as listed on their website, and the Ness amiibo will be exclusive to GameStop, as stated in this Tweet:

In spite of all the fabulous news that came out of yesterday’s Nintendo Direct, when it comes to amiibo, it seems like Nintendo will never learn. You can bet those pre-orders will be snatched up in the blink of an eye by scalpers, and most people will never get to see one. Nintendo did say last night during the Direct that they’d be releasing more of the coveted Marth amiibos soon, but how many more and how available they will be to the general populace remains to be seen.

If you’re after any of those exclusive amiibos…good luck to you.

h/t: IGN

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