‘NX’: Nintendo’s Next Gaming Console

Although it seemed like Nintendo going into a mobile gaming partnership with DeNA would be their big story of the day, that isn’t nearly the case. Announced smack dab in the middle of their mobile conference, Nintendo announced that they are “currently developing a dedicated game platform with a brand-new concept under the development codename ‘NX.’” More details about the new console will begin next year, as it is too early in the development process to share any concrete pieces of information.

This early Nintendo NX reveal comes as a counter balance to the news surrounding the mobile partnership, easing the minds of those that thought Nintendo might be exiting the dedicated gaming hardware and software market. In fact, the partnership means Nintendo has “come to hold an even stronger passion and vision for the dedicated video game system business than ever before,” says company president Satoru Iwata.

However, that’s not to say some of Nintendo’s plans for NX are mutually exclusive from mobile. In fact, NX will be part of the Nintendo/DeNA membership service, which will incorporate games on PC, tablets, smartphones, the Nintendo 3DS, the Wii U and Nintendo’s upcoming console. Seeing how the capital alliance between the two companies allows for each to own the other company’s stock, the membership is part of a long-term game plan.

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There is nothing we can do but speculate at this point, until Nintendo shares more information about NX. However, when you look at the way the above slide from the mobile partnership announcement is formed, you have non-dedicated gaming hardware on the left and dedicated gaming hardware on the right. Some have already speculated that NX will form a symbiotic relationship between console and handheld gaming, as it pairs on the left side of the slide with PC being a combination of tablet computer gaming and mobile smartphone gaming.

You can expect this and other crackpot theories about the future of NX from your friends and others until Nintendo makes their next statement.

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