Bravely Second News Includes Everything But A Western Release

There’s been quite a bit of Bravely Second news lately. The awaited sequel to Square Enix’s hit RPG Bravely Default currently has a demo in the Japanese eshop, and plenty of hype about playable characters, to new costumes, to new features, to screenshots and more.

Unfortunately, pretty much everything we’ve heard so far has been across the ocean–we still don’t know for sure if Bravely Second will come to the west. However,  because of Bravely Default’s popularity abroad and its considerably later release to the west from the original Japanese release, it still seems likely that Bravely Second will reach us, and thus any Bravely Second news is worth considering.

First, there’s the subtitle. Fans of Bravely Default will remember that it’s subtitle–Flying Fairy, had some pretty heavy plot significance. Square Enix has hinted that Bravely Second’s will serve a similar purpose, according to Siliconera. This time, the subtitle is “End Layer”. We’re of course not sure what sort of puzzle this one contains yet, but there’s some interesting fan theories on this thread in /r/games.

In the same article, we also get a look at some bonus costumes:

If those last two characters look familiar, it’s because they should–it’s Edea and Tiz! They, along with Agnes, have been confirmed to be in the game (leaving Ringabel the only mystery, fittingly). And if these two have costumes, does that mean they’re playable as well? Seems like it.

In another article from Siliconera, we get a glimpse at what role Edea will play in the story. Unlike in Bravely Default, where you collected all the “asterisks” to learn different jobs, Bravely Second offers a choice. Edea “barters” with two asterisk holders, and you will receive the asterisk of one, but the story-line of the other. This is referred to as a form of “ultimate decision making” that implies (though it doesn’t explicitly state) that you can’t go back and collect all the asterisks in one playthrough, adding a new element of strategy to the game while forcing the player to pick their own path through the story.

It also sounds like those who play Bravely Second with a Bravely Default save file on their system will receive “something nice”. Wonder what that could be?

Bravely Second releases in Japan on April 23, 2015. Here’s hoping we get a western announcement sometime soon. After Bravely Default’s incredible sales numbers worldwide, it’d be a mistake for Square Enix not to bring us the sequel.

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