EA Pushing Star Wars: Battlefront To SummerSlam-Like Heights

EA is certainly not taking their 10-year, multi-title partnership with Disney to make Star Wars games lightly, if a recent earnings call with investors is to believed. As GameSpot notes, EA CFO Blake Jorgensen took a fair bit of time to explain some of the details surrounding Star Wars: Battlefront, currently in development.

Still scheduled for a pre-2015-Christmas release, what’s interesting is that Star Wars: Battlefront will observe some of the trappings and ideas surrounding the upcoming Star Wars: The Force Awakens movie. No, it will not be a movie tie-in game, but will see characters, themes, items and more from the movie possibly be included throughout the game’s overarching history. We’ve already seen snowspeeders, AT-AT’s and Hoth on display when the game was first announced at E3, so it’s not farfetched to cash in on the Star Wars license to its full potential.

It is because of these movie-related aspects of development that sees EA take Star Wars: Battlefront very seriously, to the point that the game’s launch will be close to on-par with how the Battlefield series has been regarded. “We’re extremely excited about that,” Jorgensen spoke of Battlefront. “We think there’s huge potential for that title. More to come in the next couple of months on that as more about the movie comes out as well as more about our title comes out. You should consider that a very large activity for us [this year] and a very large focus–similar to how we’ve thought about Battlefields in the past.”

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Considering that Battlefields in the past also includes the disastrous launch of Battlefield 4, paired with the fact that including Star Wars: The Force Awakens content means Star Wars: Battlefront likely requires a time-sensitive release date, hopefully EA makes sure to thoroughly test the game out. With a disastrous end to 2014 that saw poor launches from Halo, Assassin’s Creed and Driveclub, rushing games out to market shouldn’t be the new trend. It damages both the trust in EA (which is returning only due to Ubisoft’s recent blunders) and the Star Wars IP, both of which are on uncertain terms with the gaming public right now.

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