Need For Speed Coming To PC On March 15th

In what is unofficially dubbed “PC Port Announcement Day,” Need For Speed will join PC next month.

Following suit after Microsoft announced that Quantum Break would receive a PC launch with the Xbox One version, Electronic Arts has followed suit. They have announced that Need For Speed will, indeed, be coming to PC on March 15th. With the announcement comes a trailer that not only features PC gameplay, but a bevy of new gameplay features that will come to all platforms.

Need For Speed on PC will display as a mesmerizing 4K video resolution with high fidelity audio, complete with unlocked framerate. You shouldn’t be expected anything similar to what you see coming from outdated, poorly-ported titles that have locked framerates that are lower than their original release platforms. Additionally, PC users will receive peripheral controller support, including racing wheels. With it comes the ability to handle manual transmission changes, which will also come to the PS4 and Xbox One versions of the game.

More from GameSided

While the Need For Speed formula has become a bit overbearing at times, especially with the need to constantly provide new copies of the same gameplay, the nighttime aesthetics of this game should provide a powerful computer with an untold amount of screenshot potential. Cars looked pretty fantastic in the console versions, and even though Need For Speed comes with a new for an online connection even in single-player modes, the constant free updates are, at least, a pleasant surprise considering the publisher.