Origin Access Announced, Like EA Access For PC Games
Origin Access joins EA Access as the latest “games as a service” paid platform.
What does Bill Nye have to do with computer games? Not much outside of the technological wonders behind the science of making a personal computer, but that won’t stop Electronic Arts from throwing him as the new spokesperson for EA’s newest service: Origin Access. Similar to that of EA Access, it’s a new service that will give consumers a chance to play specific EA PC games at a special per month rate. Why own expensive Origin games when you can rent them for cheaper?
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There are notable benefits to Origin Access that are exclusive to the $4.99/month platform. For one, PC gamers will get first trial access to a number of upcoming EA games before they are released. Just like EA Access for the Xbox One, you can get to play the first two levels of Unravel starting on February 4, a full five days before its February 9th official launch, for up to 10 hours. Additionally, Origin Access members will have access to full releases of fairly recent video game releases, including Battlefield Hardline, FIFA 15, Dragon Age: Inquisition and Battlefield 4.
Finally, for those who want to switch from Origin Access to owning their games can cancel at any time, with an additional 10% off Origin purchases before switching over. This also applies to saving for DLC, third-party games and more.
While the limited amount of game titles at launch may be prohibitive of the service’s growth early on, there are definitely merits to EA launching Origin Access as a slow, eventual crawl to compete with the likes of Steam. Games as a service is still in its infancy stages, and with virtual reality just around the corner there’s no doubt that such a platform could be an alluring means of drawing in sporadic months of service from those interested in checking out what EA offers during specific months of its service.