Just Cause 3 Easter Egg Revisits ‘The Dress’ Debate

More than eight months after the viral sensation came and went, Just Cause 3 toys with Team Black & Blue and Team White & Gold.

Remember when Tumblr, then Twitter, then the world, became utterly fascinated with a single god damn dress? That’s the problem with viral sensations; they come and go so fast it can be hard to even remember that they happened at all. It seems like Avalanche Studios banked on the right one as they were developing Just Cause 3, as an uncovered Easter egg shows off both color palettes of the dress known to be either white and gold (for those with vision problems) or black and blue (for those that don’t).

In the island of Regno, in Medici’s capital city Citate di Ravello, there is a local hotel that has some patrons hanging out on the top floor balcony. At the coordinated N 40 44.133 and E 5 38.754 within the Just Cause 3 map, you can see two women wearing distinctly different colored dresses, although each has the same pattern. One of the women is wearing the proper, in-real-life-canon black and blue dress, while the other is wearing a decidedly inaccurate white-and-gold-colored dress.

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It’s the kind of joke you can get away with in Just Cause 3, especially as an Easter egg. Calling attention to it and making an overabundance of jokes in the vein of “Do you get it? I’m making a referential joke, here!” cuts into the humor, setting up players for an inevitably grating narrative experience. In an “all explosions, all the time” world, a bit of subtlety adds depth to the overall gameplay experience, something that could have been explored a tad more.