Rock Band 4 DLC Adds Six Van Halen Tracks

Rock Band 4’s upcoming DLC has it bad, sooooo baaaaad.

For the most part, early offerings for Rock Band 4 DLC has been skewed towards contemporary music. The likes of Ed Sheeran, Walk The Moon and others have had their songs released as $1.99 add-ons in the early going, with Harmonix capitalizing on radio hits. Now it appears as though Rock Band 4 will be following up on their promise of adding more classic rock bands to their DLC lineup, as the music of Van Halen will compose this week’s downloadable offerings starting on November 24.

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The “Van Halen Hits Pack 01,” suggesting the possibility of more songs for Rock Band 4 down the road, consists of six of the song’s iconic songs from the 70’s and 80’s. Drumming aficionados should look out for “Hot For Teacher,” while any guitarist or vocal professionals should be ready for pretty much any Van Halen song.

Let’s break down the entire list of songs coming to Rock Band 4 this week:

  • Ain’t Talkin’ ‘Bout Love
  • Hot For Teacher
  • Runnin’ With The Devil
  • Unchained
  • Dance The Night Away
  • And The Cradle Will Rock…

The full pack of songs will be available for $9.99 as a bundle, while the cost for individual tracks will remain at its $1.99 constant. The DLC pack is certainly top heavy with some heavy hitters, and with the exception of bass players, the entire band will look to have their backs against the wall in overcoming these challenging tracks. Van Halen is the kind of band you would want to turn freestyle guitar solos off for, seeing as there is so much talent emanating from the fingers of Eddie Van Halen that you’ll want to try to hang with during guitar solos.

Rock Band 4 is currently available on PS4 and Xbox One.