PlayStation 2 Emulation Confirmed For PS4

PlayStation 2 emulation was hinted at recently with newest Star Wars releases, but now Sony has confirmed a wider focus on the PS4.

Considering that the Xbox One just recently released Xbox 360 backwards compatibility for a fair number of their titles, options to play classic PlayStation games on the PS4 are slim to none. With the recent release of Star Wars: Battlefront, however, EA and Sony worked together to get some of the more classic Star Wars games running on the PS4. Super Star Wars, Star Wars: Racer Revenge, Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter, and Star Wars: Bounty Hunter were available as part of the Darth Vader bundle, and those PlayStation 2 titles were not simple port jobs. In fact, as Digital Foundry learned, they are emulated for the PS4.

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While it might be easy to wave off this PlayStation 2 emulation breakthrough as EA and Sony working extremely hard to sell console bundles for a rare occurence, Wired took it a step forward and confirmed, through a Sony representative, that sony is working on making emulation of Sony’s most successful console more widespread for the PS4. Specifically, “We are working on utilizing PS2 emulation technology to bring PS2 games forward to the current generation,” a Sony representative said. “We have nothing further to comment at this point in time.”

Amid talk about Fallout 4, Star Wars: Battlefront, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, Call of Duty: Black Ops III and Halo 5, backwards compatability seems to be a nicety for the PS4. It’s not going to move as many consoles as you think; most people buy a new console to play new games. To experience new gameplay moments from hot new releases. While I would be more than happy if Nintendo, Xbox and Sony were all making big efforts to continuously support classic games like Lufia, Jak & Daxter and Brute Force on all platforms going forward, droves more are waiting for Quantum Break, Zelda Wii U (NX?) and Uncharted 4 while ditching the past altogether.