Dark Version Of Mewtwo Appears In Pokken Tournament

It has actually been a little while since the official announcement that Pokken Tournament is coming to the Nintendo Wii U in the middle of next year. Despite it being a tad unpopular in some arcades, causing its removal from specific locations, overall it’s roughly the third most popular arcade game in Japan. The addition of bonus fights with new Pokemon might aid its popularity, and a new Dark Mewtwo kind of fight in time for Halloween sounds perfect.

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With footage captured on MaxEzzy’s Youtube channel, we can see this Dark Mewtwo character appear as an extra boss aimed for the spooktacular season. Pokken Tournament does get ongoing content updates, but this form of Mewtwo appears to be a brand new creation just for the arcade game. With additional Pokemon games on the horizon, the question remains whether or not this Dark Mewtwo form is just a bit of fun for Halloween a la Pikachu Libre, or if it will appear in a game such as Pokemon Z or in the future.

Furthermore, with a Q2 2016 release window for Pokken Tournament on the Wii U, one has to wonder how much content of the game will be ready at launch. It’s been reported that third-party developers have received the dev kit for Nintendo’s next console, code-named Nintendo NX. If a late 2016 launch of the platform does go through, you might see developers prime up content for that, as opposed to a late-cycle title on a platform that has barely broken past the 10 million units sold marker.

Hopefully, that is not the case.