Nintendo amiibo Sales Surpass 21 Million


Nintendo started as a toy company, and if recent sales of their amiibo line is of any indication, it might develop a keener interest in the venture for the future. As part of their semi-annual financial results briefing, Nintendo president Tatsumi Kimishima relayed the fact that 21.1 million amiibo units have been sold since the launch on November 21 last year.

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The amiibo line became its own category in the previous fiscal year for Nintendo, closing at 10.5 million sales in the roughly 130 days between its launch and March 31, 2015. Amiibo toys were sold to the tune of almost 6.4 million units in the last three month period alone, an all-time high for any of the current four quarters it has been around. Considering Yarn Yoshi was released in Europe and Japan in that time period, one has to wonder how big a bump in sales Nintendo will receive when both Yarn Yoshi and amiibo cards sales in North America are counted starting this October.

Speaking of amiibo cards, 8.6 million individual cards were shipped in the past period. They launched in Japan on July 30th, but will reflect a larger total during October – December 2015 to correspond with the North American release of Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer. At least, that’s the assumption based on the fact that The Americas represent 56% of all amiibo sales from this fiscal year, while Japan represents 13%, Europe 23% and all other markets (including the blossoming Australian market) representing 8%.

So far, Animal Crossing amiibo cards have quickly overcome the #1 spot in total sales in Japan, with 3-card Series 1 packs outselling Super Mario, Kirby, Like and Smash Bros. Mario amiibos, respectively. Link, Smash Bros. Mario, Pikachu, Zelda and the Animal Crossing 6-pack Series 1 cards are the top draws in The Americas. Finally, Link, Smash Bros. Mario, 30th Anniversary Classic Mario, Pikachu and Yoshi are the Top 5 all-time in Europe. Discrepancies in these breakdowns come from shipment allotment changes and differences throughout the world.

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