Paris Games Week: Driveclub Bikes Adds Mobility To Racing


In what could be considering one of the greater, “And it’s available right now!” reveals of the PS4/Xbox One/Wii U generation, Evolution Studios has added a new type of racing machine to their gaming catalog. As revealed during the Sony Press Conference at Paris Games Week, Driveclub Bikes is a standalone expansion to the Driveclub mainstay that allows for racing exclusively super powerful motorbikes. The reveal trailer can be seen above, with the game available for play right now.

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Going into further details on the PlayStation Blog, Driveclub Bikes is available as a standalone game for $19.99, or $14.99 if you already own Driveclub. Offering 12 of the world’s best superbikes, the game offers a full Bikes Tour campaign, challenges and personalized events, multiplayer races, bike customization and more. Furthermore, any progress made in either regular Driveclub or in Bikes contributes to the success of your Club, bringing further rewards for you and your crew mates.

Driveclub releasing an expansion that provides its own type of gameplay while maintaining the mechanics and overarching themes of the original is a bold, intriguing choice. It appears as though the development team is fans of the sport in multiple wheeled fashion, and the inclusion of skill segments and modes insists upon an appreciation for competitive bike culture. It’s a very different beast than car racing, especially with the wheel-to-wheel tension and closeness that comes from racing very quickly on very small, agile racing crafts. Even if it doesn’t offer much in terms of course originality, at the very least biking fans can get a cheap game of the genre for themselves.

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