A December release always seemed like an odd choice. You get your game out into the public after Black Friday, when sales are expected to reach a fever pitch. Plus, people will already be spending dozens of hours into other open world titles, including Fallout 4’s November 10th launch that has been years in the making. That’s why it is of no surprise that Hitman will be delayed until March 2016, according to the Hitman website.
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“We’re going for a new release model where we put out a good chunk of the game when it begins and then release the remaining locations over time,” the authorless Hitman blog post indicates. “We want to make absolutely sure you all get the best possible experience when you join, so we’ve made the difficult decision to move the initial release date to March 2016. These few extra months will mean we can add more to the launch content of the game, more than we had originally planned, and then follow with a tighter frequency of updates, which ultimately will create a better game for everyone. And in the end, that’s what we’re all looking for.”
To explain just how big this new venture into Hitman is from the standard, the blog provides an infographic (seen below), indicating that the “Streets of Hope” level from Hitman Absolution is six times smaller than the Paris Showstopper level they’ve been promoting since the game’s announcement.
As great as it is to see Hitman launch with a more substantial package (in addition to its slow dripping of additional contracts), a March 2016 launch is looking even more crowded. The competition of Tom Clancy’s The Division, Uncharted 4, Street Fighter 5, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst and other titles launching around the late-Feb, early-March window may do a disservice to a franchise coming off its worst entry in Hitman: Absolution. There are a great deal of things the game appears to be doing right, but it will be hard to convince a look at because of what else is coming out at the time.
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