Update: Xur’s Three of Coins Item Makes Getting Exotics A Matter Of Statistics

Today marks the first appearance of Xur in Destiny The Taken King and with it a new item called the Three of Coins. In the Bungie Weekly Update, this is how the effect of Three of Coins is described.

"Xûr will also sell a new consumable, the Three of Coins, which gives bosses a chance to drop Exotic Engrams, including Weapon Engrams. These consumables have a cumulative luck effect, so even if one doesn’t net you a drop, the next one has a higher chance to do so."

Now, this seems like rather weird thing to include in the game, but it is a measure put in by Bungie to ensure more players in Destiny The Taken King end up getting access to the Exotic class of weaponry and armor.

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Did they go too far in ensuring this? Members of the Destiny subReddit have already seemingly cracked the code on how to absurdly boost the outcomes of getting an exotic using the new item from Xur. Take a look at what user KinetiClutch proposes below:

"This shows you should only be using ONE coin per Ultra you kill, if it doesn’t get you anything you run it again use a coin and that will further increase your chance.Based on the description from the weekly update, using more than one Three of Coin is a complete waste."

This is a base level statistics argument. Regardless of the number of Three of Coins you use when fighting a boss, the game will automatically up your chances of receiving an exotic the next time around. So you never need to actually spend more than one Three of Coins per encounter to try your hand at getting an Exotic. By doing so, you limit the number expended on each boss run and actually enable yourself to use less coins to get the same number of exotics or more than using multiple Three of Coins on a boss run.

If you look even further down the thread you can see some rather higher level statistics on the amount of times one would even need to run this encounter to get an exotic as well as some user test run scenarios.

Take a look at the thread everyone, but make sure to remember this important point: you only need ONE coin per boss run to get an exotic drop. Your chances are increased each time you go through it. Don’t burn through all of your Three of Coins in one trip, you may miss the opportunity to earn even more.

Update: Here is a video from YouTube page MeowzaForce Gaming showing you a way to farm the exotic engrams with Three of Coins on the Scourge of Winter mission:

Let us know how this farming system works out for you.

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