SCEJA 2015: Kingdom Hearts 2.8 (Hopefully) The Last Piece Before KH3


Well, we were almost right with the Kingdom Hearts 2.9 rumor. Following a long tradition of bizarre naming conventions, Kingdom Hearts 2.8 was announced at SCEJA 2015, and it looks to be the final compilation of Kingdom Hearts games before Kingdom Hearts 3, hopefully filling in the final gaps necessary to make the Kingdom Hearts III story make sense.

The HD compilation will consist of an HD remake of Dream Drop Distance, Kingdom Hearts X Back Cover (the videos from the story), and a completely new game: Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep 0.2, A Fragmentary Passage. Based on the trailer, that last one looks like a bridge between Birth By Sleep and the rest of the stories, and will feature Aqua in some way. Kingdom Hearts 2.8 will be released on the PS4 in 2016…sometime. Sounds like we’ll have to wait even longer for Kingdom Hearts III…not that this is much of a surprise.

The trailer for 2.8 looks great, too, though admittedly I’ll miss the 3D in Dream Drop:

Keep it here at GameSided for all the latest news from SCEJA 2015!

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