Guitar Hero Live, Skylanders, Disney Infinity, Others Broaden Apple TV Gaming Sphere


There was a lot of hype surrounding Apple’s latest event with relation to gaming and the Apple TV. For years, numerous insiders have been saying Apple is finally going to take gaming serious. This looked to be the moment.

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Ok, so it was not that big of a moment. Apple did not parade a series of developers from big studios on stage to show every AAA game ever made was coming to the Apple TV. However, they did broaden the sphere of gaming on your TV to include their new Apple TV set top box.

Activision, a major third party developer in the current console gaming sphere, announced Guitar Hero Live, Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions Evolved, Skylanders Supercharged would all be heading to Apple TV this Fall.

EA and Disney announced that you would also be able to play Disney Infinity 3.0 on the Apple TV this fall as well.

On the Apple TV Games and Apps page, they also note the inclusion of Rayman Adventures, Transistor, and other games that we have seen on consoles will be making their way to the new Apple TV App Store. They also include the ability to sync third party bluetooth controllers.

My take on all these announcements: Apple is likely to be doing some big business on the Apple TV App Store relatively soon. Right now, there are still a ton of questions. How capable are the chips Apple uses on the Apple TV? How committed is Apple to keeping up with advancements in tech with the Apple TV, the last of which did not receive a redesign or updated interface as well as barely any streaming apps until the last year? What options are there to expand the memory on the Apple TV to hold titles? These are all big questions major developers will have before they invest heavy into an Apple ecosystem with their marquee titles.

The base developers are shooting for are casual and family games as of right now. There are some branches away from that, but the high end part of the console business will still be the property of Sony and Microsoft and PC and to a lesser extent Nintendo until Apple shows a greater interest in competing in that space. Right now, they still lump the games section of App Store right alongside their shopping apps and start selling Apple TVs at 32 gb. No company serious about gaming would ever sell a console at only 32 giga…. Wait. Stupid Nintendo!

The new Apple TV launches this Fall starting at $149.

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