With just character and monster profiles being the main draws in XCOM 2 updates, it seemed like the buzz surrounding the game was a bit too quiet, in terms of production updates. Today it has become clear why that was the case, as Firaxis and 2K Games have come together to announce that XCOM 2 has been delayed. What was once going to be released later this year will now be developed into next year, with a finished release date of February 5, 2016.
“We’ve set a high bar for the sequel and the entire team has been working hard to make sure we deliver a great follow-up to Enemy Unknown,” writes a member on the XCOM 2 Dev Team. “We just need a little more time to make it the best possible game.
“With XCOM 2, we want to have more depth, more replayability, and more investment in your soldiers and this extension will give us the time we need to deliver on our promise to you. We appreciate your patience and continued support as we move towards February. Good luck, Commander!”
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While it’s unfortunate that the follow-up to one of the better strategy games to grace a console (as well as PC) in XCOM 2 has been delayed, I’d argue that it is to the benefit of the game’s success. There are simply too many great games coming out during the Fall and Holiday 2015 release calendar that will take up large amounts of time. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is graciously leading the way next Tuesday, but open world games like Fallout 4, Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate, Xenoblade Chronicles X and music games like Rock Band 4 and Guitar Hero Live will consume a lot of the gaming population’s time.
XCOM 2 will be released exclusively for the PC.
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