LawBreakers, Formally Project Bluestreak, Announced

When Cliff Bleszinski left Epic Games, many had wondered what would be next for the mind behind the Gears of War series. Over the past year, Cliffy B’s Boss Key Productions went to work on a game code-named Project Bluestreak, aiming to provide a contemporary look at the arena-based shooter genre. Today, via Twitch live stream, the team revealed that they have been developing LawBreakers, with the intention of releasing a finished product in 2016.

The story of LawBreakers involves the Moon getting destroyed due to governmental testing on the lunar surface, in an event known as “The Shattering.” It sends the Earth’s balance of gravity out of whack, with certain people utilizing its idiosyncrasies to take advantage in terms of manipulating bullet trajectory. As such, territorial wars have broken out over the Earth’s remaining resources.

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As the name LawBreakers suggests, gameplay involves armed combat between two major sides; those holding down the law and gangs of criminals who oppose it. Some of the minor factions within both sides include Lifers and Shura from the criminals and TASC and Valkyries for the side of peace. Gameplay itself has been described as “vertical,” with the use of grappling hooks, jet packs and more in addition to traditional and energy-powered arms.

Cliff Bleszinski answered some of the questions coming from the Twitch chat. Among the key ones were are there playable female characters (half the cast is female), how many people in a match (5 vs. 5, no hard-set balances for character classes) and more.

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