Destiny: The Taken King Livestream Provides Keen Insight


Watch live video from Bungie on Twitch

With Activision set to release Destiny 2.0 soon with an expansion titled “The Taken King,” it seemed important for them to illustrate exactly what makes this new-look game so intriguing to newcomers, experienced veterans and those who have taken substantial time away from the game over the past year. That’s why Bungie hopped on their Twitch channel to live stream a preview of what’s to come. It was an hour full of genuine intrigue for all aforementioned parties involved.

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There are some fundamental changes to how Destiny evaluates the strengths of its characters in The Taken King. For example, you can hold up to 32 quests now, their rewards are now known before being rewarded, faction vendors have quests and your “light level” is now your character level. Additionally, your entire gear (both offensive and defensive) now reflects your character’s representation as a balanced average. While holding four bounties at once, you can also turn them in wherever you want. Finally, newcomers who are buying in at the launch of expansion get a Spark of Light item that boosts a character straight to Level 25, with some basic gear that will protect them from the opposing elements.

It’s not just major pieces of content that’s getting upgraded with Destiny in The Taken King; there are small additions or alterations everywhere. Your Guardian’s face is now visible in UI screens, The Speaker now sells new Ghosts, factions are now interchangeable once a week and Wednesday is “new gun day,” or Armsday, officially. Plus, with double the vault space, you can hold a lot more weapons, armor and general items. Finally, Bungie ended the stream with a dance party, illustrating the game’s new dances. It’s nice of them to spare experienced players the majority of a $20 investment.

Destiny: The Taken King launches on September 15. You can check out everything described here, and more, in the video above.

h/t Eurogamer

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