Gamescom 2015: Halo Wars 2 Makes Return With New Announcement Trailer


With the first being a bit of a cult classic in the Halo universe, Halo Wars 2 has just been announced by Microsoft and 343 Studios

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The trailer is not much to go off of as it does not feature any gameplay or live scenarios at work. Which is fine, but seriously, can we stop releasing CG trailers that do not feature anything you will actually see in the game on a regular basis? I am not saying it can never happen, but Halo Wars is a real time strategy game. It will almost never have these low viewing angles or large figures to look at in this way.

Anyway, Halo Wars 2 has been announced for Windows 10 and Xbox One. Halo Wars 2 will be available in the Fall of 2016 as the seemingly mandatory Halo title.

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