Gamescom 2015: Future Xbox 360 GWG Titles Will Be Playable On Xbox One

During their Xbox conference at gamescom 2015, Microsoft have revealed that as of November 2015, all future Xbox 360 titles that are featured under the Games With Gold banner will also be playable on Xbox One via the new backwards compatibility feature.

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The news came as it was revealed that backwards compatibility, which is currently available for preview members only, will be released to the public in November as well.

There will be over 100 games available at launch, including games such as Mass Effect, Gears Of War and Shadow Complex, that are already available to a select few.

Of course, those who pick up Rare Replay will get a small taste of what’s to come with a host of backwards compatible Xbox 360 games, including Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts, and Kameo.

The addition of backwards compatibility will also coincide with the new Windows 10 UI, which is also coming in November, and will dramatically alter the Xbox One’s menu system.

Let’s all look forward to November then, when we can relive some of the classics from the last generation. What would you like to see in the list of playable titles? Let us know in the comments.

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