Two months later, and Splatoon is still going strong. With regular updates throwing new weapons and outfits into the mix, as well as new stages and game modes, Splatoon’s content managed to remain engaging and current over time in spite of skepticism to the contrary. And in August, there’s even more on its way.
At release, Nintendo announced that new game modes would be available in August in a massive update, along with the ability to join private lobbies with your friends and form teams for Ranked Battles. This weekend, through a Tweet from Nintendo’s Japanese Twitter, a release date was given. Splatoon’s massive update will land on August 6 in Japan, August 5 in the west.
— Splatoon(スプラトゥーン) (@SplatoonJP) July 27, 2015
A press release reposted by Nintendo Life indicates that these features are by no means all we’re getting. The August update will include:
- New Squad Battle mode enabling you to set up your own teams with friends and compete in Ranked Battles
- New Private Battle mode for battling with friends–uneven teams are okay! You don’t need a full 8 to play.
- Level cap raised from 20 to 50, and S and S+ ranks added to Ranked Battle.
- Slosher weapons and Gatling guns added. Sloshers are buckets that can be aimed at various angles and thrown.
- 40+ new pieces of gear available in the Inkopolis shops
What’s more, we’re still waiting on several unreleased stages and the upcoming Rainmaker mode, so this is by no means the end of our inking fun. It was also indicated that Urchin Underpass, one of the original stages in Splatoon, will be removed from the rotation from August 3-5th, likely receiving a design update.
If you’ve taken a hiatus from Splatoon or haven’t picked it up yet, August 5 is the time to play. They’ve already added several new maps, and the matchmaking is solid so you won’t get thrown into a fight with pros who will splat you into oblivion.
Splatoon’s August update promises to add even more freshness to an already-thriving game. To tide you over until the update, you can check out our review of Splatoon.
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