Miiverse Getting A Big Makeover This Summer


Miiverse is Nintendo’s own little community of gamers on the Wii U and 3DS, where they can talk about their favorite Nintendo titles, share pics & drawings, and is sometimes the source of great/disturbing humor. And this Summer, Miiverse is getting a major overhaul.

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Here are some details from the official update page:

"Your Screenshot AlbumSaving your screenshots in this album will be so easy, you’ll build up a collection of memories from the games you love in no time!◆ You can save up to 100 screenshots in this album.◆ This album is your own private space. It won’t be visible to other users."

"Your Play JournalKeep a record of your own unique gaming experiences by writing journal entries about games as you play them! Creating a Play Journal entry will be as simple as opening Miiverse during gameplay.◆ Each Play Journal entry will include a screenshot that shows what was happening in the game when it was written. Only software titles that don’t support the taking of screenshots will be exempt from this rule."

"A New Look for CommunitiesIn the main community for each game, posts will be categorized to make browsing them easier and more fun.Play Journal EntriesHere you’ll find everyone’s Play Journal entries for the game. Try to find people who are at the same part of the game as you are or who are playing the game in interesting ways!DrawingsIn this section, you’ll be able to see all the artwork other users have created about the game, in order of popularity. This should make it even easier to find great artists to follow.◆ You won’t be able to post handwritten posts to the Play Journal Entries or Discussions sections.DiscussionsIf you want to ask questions or start conversations about the game, this’ll be the perfect place for you to be. Remember, tags on posts make it easy to find other people who want to talk about the same stuff you do."

Other changes to the Miiverse include the Play Journal feature being a replacement for posting to your activity feed, so you won’t be able to post to your activity feed after the redesign and after the redesign, the limitations on posting quickly in succession won’t be as strict, letting you post combined total of 30 posts or comments per day not counting in-game posts.

No word on an exact date for this Miiverse redesign, but as it’s slated for “this Summer”, and it’s now July, it should be sometime soon. Does a redesign like this indicate we’ll also see the Miiverse on the mystery NX console? I would certainly think so.

h/t VG24/7

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