E3 2015: Rising Storm 2: Vietnam Trailer


Killing Floor developer Tripwire Interactive unveiled a brand new game at this year’s PC E3 conference, Rising Storm 2: Vietnam.

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In case you can’t tell from the title, Rising Storm 2: Vietnam is an shooter set in Vietnam. Really not much else is known at this point, but given Tripwire Interactive’s trak record, you can expect tons of action and possibly tons of realistic gore when you shoot enemies. Rising Storm 2: Vietnam is the latest in the Red Orchestra game series, which is a tactical FPS series. There was a time when military shooters were a dime a dozen, but that’s hardly the case anymore, with many taking a futuristic angle lately, so the time may be ripe for a more historical shooter again. Check out the trailer for Rising Storm 2: Vietnam

No release date was given for Rising Storm 2: Vietnam as it’s very early in development, but hopefully we will hear more about it soon.

Make sure to keep it here with us at GameSided all week, as we will keep you up to date on all the announcements, reveals, gameplay, trailers & more for E3 2015!

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