E3 2015: The Phantom Pain Trailer Brings Us More Questions


One of the most anticipated announcements coming out of E3 2015 in the early stages was for a trailer of a game we’ve known about for years. Due to the present situation with Konami, Hideo Kojima couldn’t be there in person alongside Geoff Keighly, but the Youtube E3 show has an exclusive world premiere of the Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain E3 2015 trailer. It dives more into the story of Punished Snake, with a twist of the speculative knife at the end.

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Weaving prose worthy of high regard, this Phantom Pain trailer is more than 5 and a half minutes of speculation, mystery and 80’s music. Set to the track of “Elegia” from 1985 (you have created a time paradox, Kojima!), our final Metal Gear Solid game with Kojima looks to have everything; redemption, revenge, rebirth. The reveal at the end of the trailer is such an awesome touch to an awesome reveal. So much, that I wouldn’t dare spoil it before you get an extensive, critical look yourself.

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is coming to PS4 and Xbox One on September 1st. The PC version will be released two weeks later, on September 15th.

Make sure to keep it here with us at GameSided all week, as we will keep you up to date on all the announcements, reveals, gameplay, trailers & more for E3 2015!

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