Nintendo Direct Micro: Bravely Second Journeys West In 2016

In this morning’s (surprise!) Nintendo Direct “Micro”, Bill Trinen revealed what jRPG fans in North America and Europe have been hoping for awhile now–Bravely Second will be available in the west in 2016. A specific date or season has not yet been announced, so hopefully we’ll see it early.

Bravely Second is the sequel to Bravely Default, which was a huge hit worldwide. Bravely Second has sold well in Japan thus far, though not quite as well as its predecessor.

The game takes place some time after Bravely Default, with a new protagonist, Yuu, as he tries to save Agnes, who has been kidnapped. Edea and Tiz are also confirmed to make an appearance, along with plenty of new faces. Bravely Second uses the same battle and asterisk system as Bravely Default, but with a few twists. For instance, with Edea as a mediator, you must choose between pairs of asterisk holders–you will receive the asterisk of one and the storyline of the other.

Perhaps we’ll see more of the localized Bravely Second at E3? We’ll look forward to a more specific release date later this year.

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