Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon Appears This Winter

According to an announcement on the Pokemon website and an official tweet, the next entry in the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series, Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon, is set to arrive this winter on the Nintendo 3DS:

Not much is known yet about Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon, but the blurb on the website indicates that dungeon layouts will change every time a player enters them. You also get to “battle alongside Legendary and Mythical Pokémon to save the world from a crisis in a tale of unprecedented scale.”

We can probably expect more of the same dungeon-crawling, cheesy-cute action we have from previous Mystery Dungeon games. “Mythical Pokemon” could mean just about anything–the Pokemon Company has a history of overhyping legendaries in their games. We’ll have to see what sort of story this game offers.

Announcement of this is exciting for fans of the series, but disappointing if you were hoping for a new main series Pokemon game this year. Though there’s no rule that says they can’t work on two games at once, it does make it less likely that we’ll see a fabled Pokemon Z or Delta Emerald this year. Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire was released in November of last year. Could this Super Mystery Dungeon announcement mean we’ll have to wait until next year for something bigger, like a new generation?

h/t: BusinessWire

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