New Need For Speed Set To Reboot The Franchise

The Need for Speed franchise has been going strong for quite some time. Preceding 2015, Electronic Arts had been pumping out racing titles in the franchise for two straight decades, debuting all the way back in 1994. Now it appears as though EA will be letting that generation stand out on its own, as Generation 2 will get its first non-mobile game with the simple reboot title Need For Speed, as announced today. Developer Ghost Games and EA teamed up to bring forth a short teaser trailer today, as we can expect more to be shown during their press conference at E3 2015 next month.

What is certainly a soothing sound to the series’ fans’ ears is the fact that vehicle customization, nighttime driving and an open world narrative will be the focus of this new title. It seems like the need for a Need For Speed reboot comes as a means to do away with what has stagnated creativity in the series’ later game titles, which has been decidedly opposed to the urban racing landscape that has been established in the past. I mean, why else would EA mention urban car culture so many times in their presser?

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Either way, the Need For Speed trailer ends with the suggestion that all footage was captured “in-game,” while “game engine footage (is) representative of all platforms.” Based off of common sense, this could mean one of two things. 1) EA is aiming for graphical parity on all platforms, despite the obvious power differences between its PC, PS4 and Xbox One versions. 2) What we’re seeing is a CG trailer, which will be a part of the finished game, which is technically part of the Need For Speed game engine. I would be thoroughly impressed if the finished product looks like what we’ve seen, even if it is at 30 FPS. Either situation isn’t ideal, though.

Need For Speed is scheduled for a Fall 2015 release.

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