Yooka-Laylee Reaches Initial Funding Goal In Less Than An Hour

(Disclosure: The author of this article has contributed to the Kickstarter campaign to fund the game in question.)

Yesterday, we reported that Playtonic Games’ project Yooka-Laylee would be opened on Kickstarter for funding starting today. Well, the campaign hasn’t even been up for an hour, and the game is already fully funded, with over 5,000 backers at the time of this posting, and climbing.

Of course, the campaign is far from over. There’s still plenty of stretch goals, with the final one a simultaneous Day 1 release on Wii U, Xbox One, and PS4 along with the already-promised PC release. Barring a shocking turn of events, Yooka-Laylee stands poised to reach all of its stretch goals by the end of the day. The deadline on the Kickstarter is June 16, 2015, and their Kickstarter page currently projects a release goal of October, 2016.

The nostalgia for old Rare platformers is obviously alive and well. Let’s hope that Yooka-Laylee lives up to the hype it’s generating from early gameplay videos like this one from

Nintendo Life


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