Metal Gear Online Supports More Players On Current Gen


Due to the differences between console generations, it makes sense that there will be some technical limitations for both Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain and Metal Gear Online in the jump from current-gen to last-gen. According to official Konami Japan website, however, some of those differences will be counted in gameplay. For Metal Gear Online on PC, PS4 and Xbox One, this gameplay component will retain a maximum of 16 players in a match, while the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions will carry a 12 player maximum.

So much has been confirmed by the official Metal Gear Online Twitter account, confirming what the Google Translate efforts for that web page insist.

There is still a lot left unknown when it comes to full capacity of Metal Gear Online. It is scheduled to go live the day The Phantom Pain launches (September 1st on consoles, September 15th on PC), and there are a multitude of custom match options for different amounts of players to play. Hopefully, Konami ID won’t be prevalent in this iteration, as I’m sure thousands of people would appreciate actually playing the game pain-free. An update from Konami or Kojima before E3 rolls along might be nice, although there’s a lot on their plate already.

h/t VideoGamer

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