Nintendo Direct: Animal Crossing Happy Home Designer Features Amiibo Cards

During today’s Nintendo Direct, a new game was announced for the Nintendo 3DS entitled Animal Crossing Happy Home Designer. Based in the Animal Crossing universe, this game allows you to design homes for the animal villagers of the series. Each villager will give you a certain request based on their personal style. Your task is to design a home for them to suit their particular tastes.

The highlight of this part of the broadcast was the addition of amiibo cards, which are cards that function the same way as amiibos, but with more variety and, hopefully, more availability. Several amiibo cards were shown featuring animals from Animal Crossing, including Isabelle and a few of the neighbors. In Animal Crossing Happy Home Designer, these cards will allow you to design rooms for the characters pictured on the cards. You can also scan more cards to invite animals to visit the homes you have already designed. The animals will interact with one another in the home, and react to it.

Both the game and the cards will be released this fall. No word yet on whether there will be cards for other series, but judging by the amiibo shortages, we can only hope.

Stay tuned for more from today’s Nintendo Direct here, at GameSided!

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