For the first time in the Fire Emblem series, the upcoming gam..."/> For the first time in the Fire Emblem series, the upcoming gam..."/>

New Fire Emblem for Nintendo 3DS Details Emerge


For the first time in the Fire Emblem series, the upcoming game headed for the Nintendo 3DS will feature a created player character that serves as the game’s main protagonist. Interestingly enough, the choices you make will determine the fate of both the story and the game’s difficulty. Additionally, Nintendo announced during today’s Nintendo Direct that Fire Emblem will be coming out next year, in 2016.

The peace-loving Hoshido and glory-seeking Nohr are the two warring factions in the upcoming Fire Emblem, with you as the protagonist born to the royal family of the former and raised by royality of the latter. Sometime during the game, you are provided but one choice of support. If you pick Hoshido, you’ll get a traditional story and gameplay path with your character’s friends, and is more “accessible.” However, the Nohr gameplay path sees you try to form a revolution from within their kingdom, with a more difficult game and complex story.

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While the standard turn-based Tactical RPG elements remain in this new Fire Emblem game, the ability to play either side of a war as the same character could prove very interesting. It does bring a new look at an old franchise, with various dialogue options spawning from either side of the coin. Maintaining relationships with friends that are now enemies due to the circumstances of battle could be key to both extensive replayability and depth of characterization and the game’s plot. Hopefully, Intelligent Systems is fully prepared in this adventurous departure from their norm.

We’ll have more information coming out of this April 1st Nintendo Direct as the presentation continues, as well as coverage once the event has concluded. Keep it here at GameSided!

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