New Xenoblade Chronicles 3D Trailer Showcases Story And Battle

Nintendo has just unveiled a new Xenoblade Chronicles 3D trailer. The upcoming game is a New 3DS port of the original Xenoblade Chronicles for Wii. The trailer is quite meaty, kicking off with some basic storyline and motivation to give you an idea of what the game is about, and continuing with shots of exploration, combat, and the major characters. Take a look but be warned; the trailer does contain some spoilers:

Judging by the trailer alone, Xenoblade Chronicles doesn’t suffer too much graphically for being shrunk to handheld size. The C-stick on the New 3DS will see some welcome use in moving the camera around, too, so you can get a good view of Xenoblade Chronicles’ lovely environments.

If you stick around til the end of the trailer, there’s some info on amiibo–using a Shulk amiibo once per day nets you an in-game collectable or song. Since the original Xenoblade Chronicles is known for its great soundtrack, this might be worth it…if you can manage to find a Shulk amiibo anywhere.

Xenoblade Chronicles 3D comes out exclusively for the New Nintendo 3DS on April 2nd in Japan and PAL regions, and April 10th in North America.

Source: GameSpot

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