Telltale’s The Walking Dead News May Be Incoming Soon

A Season 3 to Telltale’s The Walking Dead has already been confirmed, with no indication yet as to when that might be or what it might entail. However, at a panel at SXSW, Telltale developers have confirmed there might be more The Walking Dead news to tide us over while we wait.

The panel was asked if the writing team on Season 3 was the same as the previous seasons, and if there was any more information they could give about the season. PR chief Jon J Stauffer responded that Season 3 was “not necessarily something you can expect to see super, super soon, but I think you can perhaps maybe expect to see Walking Dead again sooner, if that makes sense.”

Has Pierre Shorette, Telltale writer for Walking Dead, Wolf Among Us, and other projects added that Telltale Games has four teams of writers that rotate around, so it is likely that The Walking Dead Season 3 will see many, of the same writers that made the first two seasons so great.

You can watch the full interview here. The question about Season 3 begins just before the 40:00 mark:

To further indicate that we’ll be hearing more about The Walking Dead sometime soon, the comic publishers of The Walking Dead, Skybound, Tweeted the following last week:

Hopefully, all this hubbub means we’ll be seeing something like 400 days, the interlude between Seasons 1 and 2 of The Walking Dead which featured characters and events that later impacted Season 2. Or maybe Telltale has something up their sleeve that we haven’t experienced before.

You can check out editor Daniel George’s review of 400 days here, or my review of Season 2 if you haven’t yet experienced Telltale’s The Walking Dead.

Source: Eurogamer

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