SEGA And Game Freak Introduce Tembo The Badass Elephant


Yesterday, on SEGA’s blog, it was announced that SEGA would be partnering with Game Freak (developers of the Pokemon games) to introduce a new game: Tembo the Badass Elephant.

Tembo the Badass Elephant is a 2D side-scroller where you play as Tembo, an elephant fighting an army of machines called PHANTOM to save Shell City. It looks cartoonish and crazy and…kind of fun. Take a look:

Tembo the Badass Elephant will be available in summer of this year, on Xbox One, PS4, and PC. But wait…no Nintendo?

It only seems to make sense that a collaboration between the developers of Pokemon and Sonic would end up on the Wii U or 3DS. Unfortunately, that’s not to be. And the reasoning is pretty weird. According to an interview  between Game Freak director and designer James Turner and Game Reactor:

"When I was writing the presentation documents for this game, I drew a mockup poster, and I put the Steam, PlayStation, and Xbox logos at the bottom. It seemed to fit, and it happened to stick that way. We thought about other hardware during development, but our hands were pretty full with those three platforms!"

Seems like a pretty uninspired reason to choose your platforms, though I’d be surprised if we didn’t eventually see at least a 3DS release much later on down the line, given that Game Freak and SEGA already have a solid following on Nintendo devices. Still, perhaps the reasoning also lies partially in the title. With Nintendo’s affinity for family-friendly products, Tembo the Badass Elephant might not go over as well if marketed to the usual Pokemon/Sonic audience.

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