Twitch Will Be Hosting TwitchCon This Year

Today’s Twitch Weekly episode promised to reveal Twitch’s “BIGGEST news of the year!” and fortunately, it’s not a purple Twitch logo hoodie. Twitch will be hosting its first convention, TwitchCon, in San Francisco from Sept 25-26 at the Moscone West Convention Center.

No further details have been announced yet as to what TwitchCon might entail, but it’s sure to be packed with tons of gaming-related activities and events. For now you can check out the website and sign up for email updates, or Tweet @TwitchConsf with suggestions for what you want to see at TwitchCon.

Knowing the heavily crowd-based nature of Twitch and all its activities, it’s not too presumptuous to expect them to listen to the people and fill up their con with what the audience wants to see most. Personally, I’m hoping that Twitch Plays Pokemon gets up to something utterly ridiculous for TwitchCon. What are you hoping to see at TwitchCon? Comment below and let us know!

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