The Witcher 3 Sports Whopping 50 GB Console Install Size

What is likely the largest installation file size on a console game to date (surpassing even Wolfenstein: The New Order’s 47 GB requirement on consoles), developers of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt have confirmed to GameSpot that the PS4 and Xbox One versions of the game will require roughly 50 GB space on the hard drives.

Compare that to the PC version of The Witcher 3, and you have a difference of 10 GB’s of space less on computers of the open-world action-RPG, even though they sport a better graphical fidelity than their console counterparts. With that said, we are talking about CD Projekt RED, here. They’re known more for their outlandishly-beautiful PC releases, pushing the limits of what’s available at the time for system requirements.

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A GTX 770 is recommended for optimal graphics for The Witcher 3 on PC. When you consider that the GTX 970 and 980 were released just this past September, you have to realize that the developers were creating their work around a graphics card that combined the most recent series and most commercially-available entry for its time. The fact that these console versions’ HD requirement is that close to the PC version (compared to Dragon Age: Inquisition’s 26 GB HD space on PC and 40-46 GB file size on PS4/Xbox One) speaks to their multi-plat proficiency as devlopers.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt will be released on the PC, PS4 and Xbox One on May 19th.

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